Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Escape Secret Santa Unscathed (too much?)

My favorite holiday tradition from last year was the Secret Santa party at my part-time job. Unwanted gifts fly around like emails and the everybody's inner-Brando gets coaxed to the surface. I guess it's like any Secret Santa party. Only at my job, half of the attendees aren't actually present. They're on the other end of a video conference. All expressions of faux-gratitude are amplified for the camera, exaggerated like it's car give away time on Oprah.

This year, I'm going to follow the advice of this article on

And I'm going to add one suggestion. If you happen to be so lucky as to have a Secret Santa who recently acquired the new Radiohead album, there's a 68% chance he or she paid nothing. So go ahead and send a $25 check to Thom Yorke. Thom gets the cash, your coworker gets a clear conscience. Everybody wins.

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